The Digital Futures Commission is an exciting research collaboration of unique organisations that invites innovators, policy makers, regulators, academics and civil society, to unlock digital innovation in the interests of children and young people.
We focused on three areas: play in a digital world, beneficial uses of education data, and guidance for innovators. Each of these work streams (detailed below) was informed by the voices of children and underpinned by a research programme and outputs geared toward real world change for children.
We are developing an exciting new phase of our work on #DigitalFutures4Children to be launched in Autumn 2023.
Our mission
At the Digital Futures Commission (DFC), our ambition is to recentre our increasingly digitised world on the developmental requirements of children and their rights. Our work focuses on three areas: play in a digital world, beneficial uses of education data and guidance for innovators. In each of our work streams, we aim to put the needs and interests of children and young people into the minds and workplans of digital innovators, business, regulators and governments. Our work is informed by the voices of children and young people, and underpinned by critical research into how children’s lives are being reconfigured by innovation. Backed by these two components, we are addressing designers, developers and policymakers with practical recommendations geared at reimagining the digital world in value-sensitive ways that uphold children’s rights and are responsive to children’s needs.
The DFC research team is led by Professor Sonia Livingstone OBE. Further details about our research can be found in our research agenda.
Our funding
The Commission is funded by 5Rights Foundation with funding in kind from LSE. We gratefully acknowledge a contribution from LEGO in 2020/21.